Anchored in Freeport

Coming Soon!

"Anchored In Freeport" is part of the City of Freeport's Art in Public Places Initiative.  Inspired by the town's history, the anchor represents Freeport's heritage as a port city when settlers were attracted to the area's natural harbors as a source of commerce and transportation.  The program features locally produced concrete anchor casts decorated by local artists.  Initiated by Christ the King Catholic Church, the project is a public-private partnership between the City of Freeport and local businesses and organizations.

Each anchor will be sponsored and placed in front of the sponsor business or at an identified location within the City of Freeport, bringing visibility to the business and sense of place to the community.  Artists may be sponsored or may apply for participation to be part of the beautification program and leave a legacy in our City.  Through the projects custom-made, unique anchors, the City of Freeport aims to create a sense of place for the town, unite local businesses and residents, and celebrate the area's talented artists.