Billing FAQ

Can I call City Hall and be transferred to Chelco?
No, our phone systems are different. Chelco's phone number is: (850) 892-2111
Can I change the due date on my water bill?
No. Bills  are due on the 15th of each month. If your bill is not paid by the 15th, a $10 late fee will be added to your account.
Can I pay my bill online?
Yes, on our website you can pay by card or check. Be aware that there is a third party processing fee for either form of payment online, or by phone.
Can I pre-pay my water/sewer account?
Yes, you can make advanced payments at anytime.
Do you have a recommended plumber?
We refrain from plumber recommendations.
Do you offer automatic bank draft?
Yes, you need to complete an ACH draft form and provide a voided check from you bank verifying your account and routing information.
How can I tell if I live within the City limits?
If you look on your tax bill and see City of Freeport listed as a line item with an amount due, you live in the City limits. You can also go to the Walton County Property Appraiser website to find your tax district.
How can I tell if my road is considered private?
In general, green street signs indicate streets are County maintained. Blue signs indicate the road is private.
How do I contact Hatcher Cemetery?
Call Nancy Brown (850) 835-2570
How do I establish water service or disconnect?

Both services require separate completed forms. The forms are available on our website by clicking on the "Government" tab on the home page. Then under departments, click "Billing" scroll down and you will find a box named "Billing Documents" click that box and you will find a list of documents.

Forms are also available in the Billing Department at City Hall.

How do I find hurricane shelters or evacuation routes?
You can contact Walton County Emergency Management for information. (850) 892-8065
How do I obtain a 911 address?
Call Walton County GIS Department (850) 892-2452
Is there a dropbox for after hours payments?
Yes, it is located in the parking lot of City Hall next to the Chelco kiosk. There is also a drop box at the gas station in Choctaw Beach. Payments left at the dropboxes must be either a check or money order.
Is there a fee for same day connect or disconnect service?
No, but please note that our water service crews work four ten hour days and are off on Fridays and weekends. Connection and disconnection services need to be scheduled  Monday - Thursday.
Is there a fee for same day connect or disconnect service?
No, but please note that our water service crews work four ten hour days and are off on Fridays and weekends. Connection and disconnection services need to be scheduled  Monday - Thursday.
Is there a fee for same day connect or disconnect service?
No, but please note that our water service crews work four ten hour days and are off on Fridays and weekends. Connection and disconnection services need to be scheduled  Monday - Thursday.
There are blue flags and paint on/around my driveway. Why?
The flags and/or paint are there to show other utility companies where our water lines are located. If you are building a fence, having a phone line installed, getting cable installed, etc, then our locater has received a ticket to mark our water lines to avoid any lines being accidentally damaged.
What is the standard operating water pressure in Freeport?
48PSI to 58PSI. It can vary depending on demand times.
What size pipe do I need to plumb my water meter?
A standard residential water meter normally needs 3/4" piping, Sch 40 PVC - Although this may vary depending on the distance from your house to the service meter.
When is the pool open?
The pool season is from Memorial Day to Labor Day. During the season it is open from 9 am to 6 pm everyday except Wednesdays.
Where do I register to vote?
Walton County Supervisor of Elections (850) 892-8112
Where is the Walton County Planning Department located?
The Walton County Planning Department is located at 842 State Hwy 20 E, Unit 110, Freeport. (850) 267-1955
Who can I call about a traffic light malfunction?
Florida DOT (850) 836-5700
Who cuts the grass along the roads and ditches?
The Walton County Sheriff's Work Crew takes care of the grass along the roads and ditches.  (850) 892-8405
Who is the natural gas provider in the area?
Okaloosa Gas (850) 682-3017
Who is the phone/internet/cable provider in the area?
Cox Cable (850) 892-0175
Centurylink (866) 224-2695
Who picks up the trash in Freeport?
Waste Management picks up the trash in Freeport. You can call them with any questions regarding trash day, trash not picked up, or yard waste pick up. (850) 835-0248
Who picks up trash along the side of the road?
It really depends on where the trash is. The City's public works or the Walton County Sheriff's Work Crew would be the most likely ones to pick it up.
Why is my bill so high?
There are numerous answers to this question. If you notice a problem, alert us to it so we can look at your account.
Why is there a meter reader at my house without me being notified?
They are likely checking for a leak or taking a meter reading.
Do the search results include the contents of PDFs and other documents?
Yes. The website indexes web pages as well as PDFs, Microsoft Office documents, and text documents.
Does the city have a list of backflow testers?
Yes, the following is a partial list of backflow testers.

Be advised, the City of Freeport does not endorse any of these testers and only maintain this list to assist our customers.

David Fannin                        850-699-6888                                  Freeport    

Richard Howard                  850-830-9833                                  Freeport   

Heller Company                  850-499-2280                                  Freeport   

Adam Yates                         850-401-4847                                  DFS/Freeport   

Ernest Powell                       850-585-7536                                 Freeport 

Revised 2/2022
What are the hours at City Hall?
Monday - Thursday 8 am to 5 pm, Friday 8 am - 4 pm.
The City does not close for lunch but Chelco closes from 1-2 pm.
Where is the City Charter for Freeport?
The Charter for the City of Freeport can be found here.
Burning: What, when and where?
Permits are issued by the Florida Division of Forestry. (850) 373-1800
Can I get married at City Hall?
Yes!! As long as you have obtained the required marriage license, any notary within the State of Florida can marry you. We have several notaries at City Hall.
Can I pay my bill online?
Yes, you can pay your bill online. You can pay by credit card or by check. ***Please note: There is a third party processing fee for these services. If you opt to call the Billing Department and pay over the phone the third party fee still applies.
Do you offer automatic bank draft?
Yes we offer automatic bank draft service. You will need to complete an ACH draft form and provide a voided check or letter from your bank verifying the account/routing number information.
Do you offer letters of availability?
Yes we do offer letters of availability. There are specific forms required that will need  to be completed and the process can take up to 2 weeks.
Do you offer paperless billing?
Does the City of Freeport have drop box for after hour payments?
Yes we do have a drop box. It is located in the parking lot at City Hall next to the Chelco kiosk. There is also a drop box located at the convenience store in Choctaw Beach. Payment should be in the form or check or money order only. 
How do I dispose of toxic materials such as paint?
There are haz-mat collection days throughout the year. The dates will be advertised in the newspaper and on the Walton County website. 
How do I start my trash service?
If you live in a neighborhood, just set your trash can out on your trash pickup day. If you are in rural area, call Waste Management for more information.

Trash collection is paid for by a half percent sales tax in Walton County, therefore, when you call Waste Management, they will not have specific or individual account numbers for Freeport/Walton County residents.
If I search for a phrase (e.g. alarm permit), will the results only show exact matches?

No.  By default, the search results will show matches for any word within the phrase.  In this example, you would receive results for all web pages and documents that contained either the word alarm or the word permit or both.

In order to search on an exact phrase, enclose your search phrase in quotations.  The search results for "alarm permit" will show matches for that exact phrase.

Is there a dump site nearby?
The closest dump is the Walton County Dump located at 1118 Institution Rd., DeFuniak Springs. It is located 3.5 miles north of DeFuniak Springs, off of State Highway 83. (850) 892-8180
Utility Deposits
Every utility location requires a separate deposit, whether you have one account or several accounts. The deposit is kept on the account until  disconnection of service occurs. The final bill is taken from the deposit then a refund OR final bill will be sent to your forwarding address. We do not do credit checks nor is anyone exempt from paying a deposit.
What can I do if I can't afford service?
We can set up a payment plan with you or you can contact one of the charities listed below.

St Vincent De Paul Society 1-888-229-6582
S4P Synergy (850) 862-3899 Ext. 100
Salvation Army (850) 243-4531
Catholic Charities (850) 244-2825
Caring & Sharing (850) 267-2866
Council on Aging (850) 892-8165
Where are the recycle bins?
You can find locations on the Walton County website or call: (850) 892-8180.
Where can I recycle motor oil?
Advanced Auto Parts takes used oil and Haz-Mat accepts oil on collection days throughout the year.
Where is the Museum?
41 Hwy 20 E (across from Skipper's Furniture). The museum is open Thursday, Friday & Saturday 12 to 5 pm,  providing volunteers are available. Admission to the museum is free.

If you wish to become a museum volunteer please call (850) 835-2822.
Who voted to increase the water & sewer rates?
Freeport City Council.